Why need to apply UKCA certificate for safety shoes
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Why need to apply UKCA certificate for safety shoes

Publish Time: 2022-06-28     Origin: Site

Why need to apply UKCA certificate for safety shoes

After UK separated from EU since 30th January 202, Safety shoes certification become a big trouble to those safety shoes brand.  

First, those EN ISO 20345 certificates issued by UK testing lab don't work any more, such as Intertek, SGS, Satra etc. These certificates become a wasting paper for EU market. You have to re-certify all safety shoes by a Europe lab again. It will cost at least 3 month time and more money.

Second, if you still want to sell safety shoes to UK market, then you have to re-apply UKCA certificate.The full name is called "This safety footwear complies with the PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425 as brought into UK law and amended and EU Regulation 2016/425 ". So, you need to pay 3rd time to pay for UCKA certificate.

According to UK government regulation, UKCA dead line is 31th December, 2021. That is to say, only safety shoes with UKCA certificate are allowed to sell in the UK market legally. Those UK labs fall into a big certification process delay. The applier need to wait more than 6 month. When the government notice the delay problem, they announce to delay the dead line one year more, until end of 2022.

Safetoe has both good sales in UK and Europe market, so we decided to cooperate with UK SGS lab. In February 2022,we are approved with 1st UKCA certificate for model L-7331, L-7328, those are summer safety shoes with metal free composite toe. In June 2022, we are approved with 2nd UKCA certificate for model M-8027, L-7163, those are heavy duty safety shoes with steel toe & steel plate. Now we can sell safety shoes to UK without any problem, our UK partners are also very happy for it.

Safetoe L-7331 UKCA Certificate for safety shoes

Worldwide Leading Safety Protection Products Supplier.

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